Tornado-induced tree-pocalypse

We are shocked and in the middle of re-evaluating our study area for matching trees with the existing city database because so many trees came crashing down during the freak weather today.

Because of “all hands on deck” to clean up the debris, this weekend’s mapping party will be moved to another location or cancelled entirely.

Planning Corps experiments on us

Frank Hebbert, one of TreeKIT’s advisors, had the idea to organize a special workshop to evaluate our field mapping protocol. By sending out multiple teams to measure the same block, we could compare the variation in the results. PlanningCorps, an informal collective of skilled urbanists, stepped forward to help us with this effort. On August 28th, approximately 14 people met at Prospect Heights Community Farms, split into four teams, and set out to map the block bordered by Prospect Place, Underhill, Park Place, and Vanderbuilt. Landscape architect Michael Cluer was there to teach tree ID, and several members of PlanningCorps that were graduates of Cornell also brought their tree ID skills to bear.

The TreeKIT team sends a big thank you to PlanningCorps and Michael Cluer!

We will be evaluating the results over the next few weeks and will keep you posted.

First Mapping Party of 2010

This Saturday’s mapping party in Prospect Heights was a great start to the season! Prospect Heights Community Farm graciously hosted our orientation session, which turned into a jubilant meet-&-greet where some of our staunchest supporters finally met face to face. Five teams of mappers set out and in just a few hours completed 25% of the total block segments. We wrapped up the day with a report back and got some great advice on what could be improved about the user experience. Unofficially, we can say that the greatest factor affecting efficiency is talking to strangers — we are amazed by the sheer number of passers-by who walk up and want to know what we are doing and why!

Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who made it happen in the hot, hot heat.